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نماذج كنيسة كسوجياهوي
Christianity Church Recondition-Culture of Respect Dec 16, 2015

Precious ancient building is a huge treasure of our humanity, perhaps because of some disaster, these buildings will be destroyed.

So, now the government will want to recover these precious treasures, so that people feel the great wisdom of the ancient people.

Xujiahui church architectural models

Xujiahui church architectural models

Xujiahui Christianity church already has hundreds years history. Now China government decide to make recondition for it. Total need around one year. After recondition, church will reshow the Gothic tower style.


This Christianity church built from 1906 and finished in 1911.

Since it’s already hundreds years, recent years, façade and roof have many wear out. Roof always raining leakage and many similar problems. Besides, since stairs are wood structure, some of them are too old and happen some breakdown.

Before the recondition, many cultural relics are already protected. We cannot wait to see a new church in 2016.


You might really like the style of church building, it's pretty great, and is inseparable from people's eyes, no one does not love it. Even I wish I could have. But this is clearly not enough to realized, so the Xujiahui church models also at this time into your line of sight. It's like a smaller version of the architecture, it will not lack of the things in the building. They are beautiful like a work of art.


If you like this kind of models, you can visit http://www.bettymodels.com/ to get more information. In Xujiahui Christianity church model, in 2010, we already make one model for government, in 2016; we will make another new church model for them again.

Xujiahui Church Models


Related Reading: Infrastructure Scale Models,Tower Scale 3D Models,3d architectural models

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